Welcome to the forthcoming season of ski racing, whether you ski at Buller, Falls Creek, Hotham Perisher or Threadbo. It is pleasing to note a growing interest in adult recreational ski racing at several of the resorts. It appears that enrollments in race club training programs for Masters are to significantly increase.
Following discussions with the Perisher Race Dept. soon after last years racing, dates for this year were agreed. The co-operation of Perisher’s management and their efforts in finding us a place on the calander is gratefully acknowledged. It is hoped that the early advertising which followed, will have helped intending participants find accommodation to their liking.
For several weekends this season, AMSA in conjunction with the Mt Hotham Ski Company, has plans underway to provide a short timed GS course (similar to the old ‘Go for Gold’), for capable skiers to ‘try out’ a ski race track and hopefully develop a further interest in recreational ski racing. AMSA members will service the course; answer questions and provide encouragement. If this trial is successful, other resorts will be approached to follow suit.
Being affiliated with Ski and Snowboard Australia, AMSA continues to play an important role towards SSA meeting goals for adult skiers, set down in the Alpine Pathway and for ‘SKIRACER’ .
Visit AMSA’s promotional page on the SSA web : www.skiandsnowboard.org.au Click on ALPINE.
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Thursday 29th August GS and SL. Friday 30th August SG Full details for each of the three races will be posted a on the Perisher; AMSA and SSA websites, as soon as they are available. Remember, this year’s GS will be held on International at Mt Perisher. For all races, the race department will be providing time displays and will adhere as close as possible to FIS Masters racing protocoles.
As appropriate, please address general enquiries to our Secretary: Bruce Long at bruce.r.long@gmail.com
A memorandum that subscription for 2013/2014 are now due. I remind participants that AMSA is self-funded and that non-financial racers are inelligible to receive awards at the presentations function.
I look forward to yet another exciting and funfilled racing program and to meeting first time racers.
David Taylor President