Positive trends for FIS Masters Racing

Masters Skiing

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The Masters Racing season in 2012/13 again saw steady progression. With a total of 855 FIS Masters Cup participants in Alpine Skiing, the winter brought about a significant increase of 12.4 per cent. The number of 241 entries also underlined the lively interest in Masters racing activities.

38 events featured on the competition schedule and the season can be considered to have been a good one. Despite a low number of sunny days and sometimes soft snow conditions, all Organisers provided course preparation and maintenance of the highest international standards. A few races had to be cancelled due to safety considerations, while all Organisers could deliver at least 50 per cent of their planned activities.

For the next season, the Alpine Masters calendar is again fully loaded with another 38 Masters Cup Races including the 2014 FIS World Criterium Masters in Goestling (AUT).

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